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Welcome to Senior Services Network

Social Services Network has rebranded its operational name to Senior Services Network (SSN), reflecting our commitment to better serve the aging community. We aim to empower diverse seniors with independence and meaningful engagement through programs, advocacy work and access to necessary support. Through innovation and compassion, we collaborate with stakeholders to create culturally responsive environments to enable our clients to age in the community with dignity.

Our Values


We ensure accountability through due diligence and transparency


We provide a safe, positive, and nurturing environment for clients, staff, and volunteers


We will create and anticipate change while turning ideas into creative solutions


We strive to consistently exceed our quality standards and client’s expectations


We are committed to serving with empathy and care

Our volunteers are an integral part of our team; they support our aging community to age with dignity. Becoming a volunteer contributes to your own positive health, the community you live in, and the organization and the people you’re helping to serve.

News & Events

Client Testimonial

After joining the Aging Positively program, I started to regain my happiness. I loved meeting new people and made many friends. It helped me release my mind from the worries of life. I am really happy and the days that I do not come, I do not feel the same.

Social Feed

Did You Know?

The risk of developing a disability in activities of daily living decreased by 43% over an average of 5 years for each additional social activity engaged in; the risk of mobility disability decreased by 31% (James et al., 2011)


Our partners are our lifeblood. They understand the need, and they are a crucial part of the solution. They volunteer; they drive change; they help us win.

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Fun Facts

"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional!" - Walt Disney